211 Walton St.
PO Box 896
Darien, GA 31305
Our mission at the McIntosh County Industrial Development Authority (MCIDA) is to drive economic growth, empower the business community, and enrich the quality of life in Coastal Georgia. We are dedicated to preserving and safeguarding our cultural and natural resources while fostering a thriving and sustainable community.
The McIntosh County Industrial Development Authority (MCIDA) came into existence in April 1968. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia by resolution amended the state Constitution to create a body corporate and politic to be known as the “McIntosh County Industrial Development Authority.” The MCIDA Board of Directors comprises seven members who are appointed by the McIntosh County Board of Commissioners and City of Darien Council Members. These appointments are made to ensure effective representation and collaboration between the MCIDA and the local governing bodies.
McIntosh County Industrial Development Authority (MCIDA) conducts public meetings the third Thursday of each month – 8:30 a.m. workshop, 9:30 a.m. regular Board meeting – in the board room of the Industrial Development Authority Office, 211 Walton St, Darien, Georgia.
Click here to access the Agenda for the Regular Monthly Board Meeting.
Click here to access the 2025 MCIDA Regular Board Meeting Schedule.
No open requests currently.